Qing Ming Online Appointment

谨此提醒,为了安全,山庄将会进行人流管控。 公众在清明期间前往山庄祭奠祖先需提前在线上进行拜祭预约, 以便让我们为您提供更加舒适且安全的拜祭流程。谢谢! For safety reasons, please take note that crowd control measures will be implemented at the memorial parks. Visitors are required to make appointment reservations in advance online to pay homage to their ancestors during Qing Ming period. This will allow us to provide you with a more comfortable and safe worship process, thank you!
清明节 是华人重要的传统节日,具有缅怀先祖体现东方孝道的意义,所以 扫墓祭祖 是必不可少的。为方便公众在清明期间到来祭奠祖先,及以客户的安全作为第一考量,在这里温馨提醒,凡是要到访山庄祭拜的公众,务必扫描QR码或点击以下链接填写表格,提前预约拜祭日期及时间,好让我们为您提供更舒适顺畅的拜祭流程。谢谢!