We are the Nirvana Malaysia Care Team. Your total life planner. We all under an authorized agent No.1337


What We Do For You

✅ We do one on one pre-planning either life planning for you or your family.
✅ We accept Phone Call / Whatsapp / Face-to-Face / Emergency request to us anytime.
✅ No consultation fee charged.
✅ Only Nirvana Malaysia provide you with 0% installment interest charged.
✅ Nirvana comes with a variety of burial plot choices.
✅ At the same time, We do up-to-date latest promotion and event for you on every month.

✅ 我们会一对一为您与您家人事前与人生规划,让您心无牵挂。
✅ 您可以随时联系我们谘询,咨询方式可以电话或面对面的会面。
✅ 我们不会收取任何咨询费。
✅ 富贵山庄提供0%分期付款。
✅ 富贵山庄与持有富贵风水福地。
✅ 同时我们会每月为您提供最新跟限时优惠与活动。

Contact Us 联系我们

Caryn 012-913 0835

Jess 012-2666 269

Michelle 019-399 8783

Team Photos