- Burial Land Price Lowest -
Single Land from 单位福地由 RM 38,900
Double Land from 雙位福地由 RM 59,000
Royal Family Burial Plot
This is Nirvana Burial Plot where family burial plot comes into picture. The thought of ‘back-to-the-roots’ takes a strong stand. It is designed to mark the journey home for the departed while infusing the future generations with pleasant recollections of their departed loved ones.

Super Family Burial Plot 家族墓园
This family memorial plot immortalizes the history of your family, commemorative remarks and any other remarkable accounts of your loved ones.

Family Burial Plot 家族福地
Every personalized design connotes a different story worth being immortalized. It is likened to a beautiful poem bearing an eternal magnificence.

Latest Promotion
Family 家族位 八位 RM 298,420
Twin Double 4位 RM160,800*
-Price shown above for Pre-Need Land only*
-Maintenance & Facility Fees RM24,000
-Backwall from RM 19,000
-Price stated above do not include hole excavation & formation

Double And Single Plot 標準福地
Picturesque and tranquil, it soothes the soul and warms the heart. For the departed, it is simply an idyllic final resting place to rest in peace. For the living, it fosters prosperity generation after generation.

Latest Promotion

Single 单位 RM 45,800*
-Price shown above for Pre-Need Land only*
-Maintenance & Facility Fees RM3,000
-Backwall from RM 3,000
-Price stated above do not include hole excavation & formation

Double 双位 RM 59,000
Single 单位 RM 38,900*
-Price shown above for As-Need Land only*
Christian Memorial Garden 基督徒墓園
Inspired by the fantasy of ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, the Christian Memorial Park is a dignified yet graceful eternal resting place for Christians.

Burial Land in Klang Valley Branch
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